Strasbourg Notre-Dame Cathedral
Hidden treasures of the Cathedral
The Virtual Journey: Strasbourg Notre-Dame Cathedral experience allows you to visit the Spire of the Cathedral using a virtual reality headset. This part of the building, a veritable lace of stone, is usually inaccessible to the general public for security reasons.

Departing from the Cathedral platform, the experience offers a semi-guided virtual tour lasting around twelve minutes. Throughout the tour, the visitor can activate audio and visual elements at points of interest. This allows them to discover the monument through the various technical and historical explanations, all supported by video sequences and 3D animations.

This unique project, initiated in 2014 relies on historical facts, scriptwriting and technical developments in order to achieve an appealing experience for the public.

The virtual visit has been deployed since June 2016 at Œuvre Notre-Dame Museum and welcomes more than 2,000 visitors every year.

Type: Immersive documentary
Technologies: Virtual Reality, 3D
Duration: 30 minutes
Devices: Oculus Rift | Quest
Palmes Prix Millénaire de la Cathédrale
Type: Immersive documentary
Technologies: Virtual Reality, 3D
Duration: 30 minutes
Devices: Oculus Rift | Quest
Partners & Supports
Immersive journey: Strasbourg Cathedral is the founding project of Virtual Journey. This virtual tour is initially developed in co-production by Holo3, Seppia and Inventive Studio. The original screenplay is written by N’Gouda Prince Ba.

In 2014, the project won call for projects Tango&Scan. As such, it receives financial support from the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg. The project is supported by the Œuvre Notre-Dame Foundation, the Cathedral Council and Strasbourg Tourist Office.

This virtual visit is the winner of the Millennium Prize of Strasbourg Cathedral in 2015.

Logo Holo3 - La réalité virtuelle
Logo Inventive Studio
Logo Fondation de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame
Logo Eurométropole de Strasbourg
Logo Strasbourg the Europtimist
Logo Tango&Scan
Virtual Journey